
5 ADM+S Investigators Recognised in The Australian’s List of Top Researchers
Author Loren Dela Cruz & Kathy Nickels
Date 15 November 2021
Prof Axel Bruns, Prof Jean Burgess, Prof Deborah Lupton, Prof Sarah Pink, and Prof Haiqing Yu from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society (ADM+S) have been recognised in The Australian’s 2021 Research Magazine which lists “the best researchers and the best research institutions in Australia” (The Australian 2021).
The annual Research Magazine acknowledges the talent and dedication of Australian researchers by comprehensively scanning online data to identify the best researcher and the best research institution in each field, based on the excellence of their research and the impact it has in discovery and scholarship.
ADM+S Chief Investigators Prof Axel Bruns, Prof Jean Burgess and Prof Sarah Pink were listed among Australia’s top 40 lifetime achievers in research, chosen for the consistent excellence of their work and the impact they’ve had in the field of Humanities, Literature & Arts.
ADM+S Chief Investigator Prof Deborah Lupton was named the top researcher in the field of Communication, and Humanities, Literature & Arts (general), and Associate Investigator Dr Haiqing Yu was recognised as the top researcher in Chinese Studies & History in Australia’s top 250 researchers in 2021.