
ABC partners with the ADM+S Australian Ad Observatory project
Author Kathy Nickels
Date 5 April 2022
ABC colleagues Casey Briggs, Oliver Gordon, Ariel Bogle, Elise Worthington, Kevin Nguyen, Michael Workman, Dan Harrison, Dunja Karagic have joined the Australian Ad Observatory project as part of the Centre’s existing partnership with ABC. One of the outcomes of this partnership is that the ABC will be promoting the Ad Observatory at a national scale to build a wider user base and increase coverage of the gathering of Facebook advertising.
This is especially important during the upcoming election as the project will be focusing on political advertising with the aim to uncover ads that violate Terms of Service and ads that aren’t properly disclosed as political.
The Ad Observatory invites Australians to share the ads they encounter on Facebook with researchers. Anyone can participate by installing a browser extension that automatically collects the ads they receive in their Facebook news feeds – and nothing else. The extension only works on laptop and desktop computers and can be removed or disabled at any time. Additionally, people who install it can see all the ads they received during the time the extension is running.
If you are interested in learning more about this project visit the Australian Ad Observatory webpage.