ADM+S publications recognised in the APO’s Top Content for 2022
Authors Kathy Nickels
Date 16 December 2022
ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society (ADM+S) publications have been named in the APO’s Top Content for 2022 released this week.
The APO’s Top Content for 2022 has listed A Data Capability Framework for the not-for-profit sector and Decentralising data governance: Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs) as data trusts and as most valuable players (MVPs) – a selection of the most interesting and influential content of the year.
As part of the Top Content for 2022, the APO also named the Top Ten most clicked resources across 15 broad subject areas for the period December 2021 to November 2022.
The Manifesto for sex-positive social media was listed in both Technology and Communications subject areas and Automated decision making in transport mobilities: review of industry trends and visions for the future was listed in Technology.
The ADM+S has contributed 17 publications, since joining the APO repository in May this year.
ADM+S Centre Director, Distinguished Professor Julian Thomas, said “The APO collection has enabled us to communicate our key research work publicly, in detail, in a timely fashion, in a convenient digital format, and in a way which is open to everyone.
The Analysis & Policy Observatory (APO) is one of Australia’s leading open access research repositories. We share APO’s goal of supporting evidence-based policy and public debate on the critical challenges facing Australia, and we’re delighted to be working with APO to make ADM+S research more findable, more useable, and more accessible.”
Listed in APO MVPs 2022
A Data Capability Framework for the not-for-profit sector
Anthony McCosker, Frances Shaw, Xiaofang Yao, and Kath Albury.
This report provides a framework that distils the challenges and successes of organisations worked with. It represents both the factors that underpin effective data capability and the pathways to achieving it. In other words, as technologies and data science techniques continue to change, data capability is both an outcome to aspire to, and a dynamic, ongoing process of experimentation and adaption.
Decentralising data governance: Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs) as data trusts
Kelsie Nabben
This paper explores the idea that Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs) are a new type of data trust for decentralised governance of data. This publication lends itself to further scholarly research and industry practice to test DAO data trusts as a data governance model for greater individual autonomy, verifiability, and accountability.
Named in APO Top Tens 2022
Manifesto for sex-positive social media
Zahra Stardust, Emily van der Nagel, Katrin Tiidenberg, Jiz Lee, Em Coombes, and Mireille Miller-Young.
This publication sets out guiding principles that platforms, governments, policy-makers and other stakeholders should take into account in their design, moderation and regulation practices. It builds upon the generative work currently underway with the proliferation of alternative, independent collectives and cooperatives, who are designing new spaces, ethical standards and governance mechanisms for sexual content.
Automated decision making in transport mobilities: review of industry trends and visions for the future
Emma Quilty, Sarah Pink, Thao Phan, and Jeni Lee.
This report maps and analyses the social implications of the visions of our transport future. The report examines the assumptions underpinning these visions, as they are represented and projected in recent transport and mobilities stakeholder reporting.
Visit the ADM+S Collection on the APO