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ADM+S research fellows receive international AI + Regulation Emerging Scholar Award

Author Kathy Nickels
Date 15 December 2021

ADM+S research fellows Dr Henry Fraser and José-Miguel Bello y Villarino have received the 2022 Scotiabank Global AI + Regulation Emerging Scholar Award for best paper from the AI + Society Initiative at the University of Ottawa Centre for Law, Technology and Society.

The award recognises emerging scholars in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and regulation and supports research seeking to (re)define problems and identify solutions to challenging issues related to ethical AI and technology development.

The successful paper was selected by an international review committee of leading scholars in the field of AI and Law. The paper Where residual risks reside: Lessons for Europe’s risk-based AI regulation from other domains explores the question of how to judge the acceptability of “residual risks” in the European Union’s Proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonized rules on Artificial Intelligence (the Proposal).

The Proposal is a risk-based regulation that prohibits certain uses of AI and imposes several layers of risk controls upon “high-risk” AI systems.

Much of the commentary on the Proposal has focused on the issue of what AI-systems should be prohibited, and which should be classified as high risk. This paper bypasses this threshold question, engaging instead with a key issue of implementation.

Dr Henry Fraser is based at QUT. His research focuses on how to use and develop civil liability laws to promote responsible automated decision-making (ADM).

Jose-Miguel Bello is based at the University of Sydney and his work is concerned with the policy implications of machine-assisted decision making and its implementation in regulatory terms. He has previously worked for the Commission and Council for the EU.