
Australian Digital Inclusion Index 2021 Launch
Author Loren Dela Cruz
Date 20 September 2021
The ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society at RMIT, the Centre for Social Impact Swinburne, and Telstra are proud to launch the first findings from our refreshed 2021 Australian Digital Inclusion Index.
Join us to find out how Australia is tracking, gain insights for better digital inclusion programs, and take a first look at the new dashboards which put the Index data in your hands.
Friday 15 October 2021
Register here
- Lyndall Stoyles, Telstra Group General Counsel & GE Sustainability, External Affairs & Legal
- Distinguished Professor Julian Thomas, Director, ARC Centre for Excellence of Automated Decision-Making and Society, RMIT University
- Distinguished Professor Jo Barraket, Director, Centre for Social Impact, Swinburne University of Technology
For more information visit digitalinclusionindex.org.au