Mobile with Spotify music app

Considerate and Accurate Multi-party Recommender Systems for Constrained Resources

Focus Areas: News and Media, Transport and Mobility, Health, and Social Services
Research Program: Machines
Status: Active

This project will create a next generation recommender system that enables equitable allocation of constrained resources. The project will produce novel hybrid socio-technical methods and resources to create a Considerate and Accurate REcommender System (CARES), evaluated with social science and behavioural economics lenses.

CARES will transform the sharing economy by delivering systems and methods that improve user and non-user experiences, business efficiency, and corporate social responsibility.


Participate in an online user study on multi-party fair recommendations

We are looking for users of the Spotify music application to complete a brief online study. In the study, you are expected to browse music recommendations and answer a set of questions.

The study is expected to take less than 15 minutes, and you will receive a AU$10 gift card as a thank you.

You will need to have an active Spotify account with at least 6 months of listening history to take part.

To verify your eligibility and participate in the study, please fill out this form.


Are footpaths encroached by shared e-scooters? Spatio-temporal analysis of Micro-mobility services, 2023

Kegalle, H., Hettiachchi, D., et al.

Conference paper

Capacity-aware fair POI recommendation combining Transformer Neural Networks and Resource allocation Policy. Submitted to journal Knowledge Based Systems, 2023

Chan, J.

Journal article

More is Less: When do Recommender Systems Underperform for Data-rich Users? 2023

Xuan, Y., Sanderson, M., et al.

Conference paper

How Robust is your Fair Model? Exploring the Robustness of Diverse Fairness Strategies, 2023

Small, E., Chan, J., et al.

Conference paper


ADM+S Chief Investigator Mark Sanderson

Prof Mark Sanderson

Lead Investigator,
RMIT University

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ADM+S Chief Investigator Christopher Leckie

Prof Christopher Leckie

Chief Investigator,
University of Melbourne

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ADM+S Investigator Flora Salim

Prof Flora Salim

Chief Investigator,

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Jeffrey Chan

Dr Jeffrey Chan

Associate Investigator,
RMIT University

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Danula Hettiachchi

Dr Danula Hettiachchi

Associate Investigator,
RMIT University

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University of Amsterdam

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