My phone is my eyes

Flight Paths, Freeways and Railroads

Focus Area: Transport & Mobilities
Research Program: People
Status: Completed

Through a series of short film vignettes, this research project explores how diverse participants currently experience transport mobilities and how automated technologies might be part of our future lives.

These films aim to surface impacts of ADM that haven’t been accounted for and explore barriers and biases propagated and amplified by ADM in society.

In 2021, filmmaker Jeni Lee accompanied and filmed two blind and one deaf participant as they moved around urban and regional spaces. The act of commuting was intended to elicit reflection and thoughtful responses from the research participants. Each participant’s commute forms the backbone and narrative arc of a short film.

Flight Paths, Freeways and Open Roads still preview


Jeni Lee

Jeni Lee

Lead Investigator,
Monash University

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Sarah Pink

Prof Sarah Pink

Chief Investigator,
Monash University

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Thao Phan

Dr Thao Phan

Research Fellow,
Monash University

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Emma Quilty

Dr Emma Quilty

Monash University

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