Future Automated Mobilities: Imaginaries and possibilities for a world in crisis
Focus Area: Transport & Mobilities
Research Program: People
Status: Completed
Future visions of self-driving cars, digital mobility services, flying taxis and autonomous industrial vehicles dominate industry and policy hype; new mobilities technologies, communities and aspirations are rapidly shaping; and automated and connected mobility technologies are increasingly present, and unevenly distributed in everyday life.
Our research addresses how these and other shifts in and imaginaries of mobilities technologies, services, communities and personal trajectories are changing the landscape of everyday mobility, and reframes emerging automated and connected mobility technologies and data as part of inclusive and diverse everyday worlds and respectful, responsible futures.
To achieve this we will develop critical and innovative methods of research and engagement including documentary film and design materials.
This project will:
- Determine how future automated (and automated features of) transport mobilities are being reimagined in post COVID-19 and post-bushfire crisis -across industry, policy and everyday life.
- Investigate what can be done to design differently, so that we do not simply replicate the problem-solution paradigm of the innovation paradigm when considering the place of ADM in future mobilities.
- Develop innovative interventional and interdisciplinary (design ethnographic) research methods through which to undertake this research
- Propose pathways towards open designs that social innovation will play a part in and suggest how ADM might play an ethical, responsible and beneficial (to people) role?
Automated Decision-Making for Future Transport and Mobilities: Stakeholder Perspectives
Automated decision making in transport mobilities: review of industry trends and visions for the future
12 August 2022