Highway to the Sky
Focus Area: Transport & Mobilities
Research Program: People
Status: Completed
Highway to the Sky is a short film co-created with 3 neuro-diverse artists and art therapist Isabelle Ashford from The Art to Wellbeing.
The participants in the workshops used collage, art works and dance to imagine future mobilities and explore what sensations arise from automated travel and what they would like to be automated (or not) in the future.
The creative process elicited reflection and thoughtful responses from the project participants and highlighted their sensory experiences.
Remembering the frustration they may have previously felt on the train, for instance, might create a tightness in their chest or a dizzy sensation.
By documenting experiences of the so-called 17%, the people who see the world differently, this project reveals biases and threats of automated transport mobilities and also uncovers creative opportunity and innovation.