How should we respond to ChatGPT?
Author Kathy Nickels
Date 28 February 2023
ChatGPT is a controversial new language assistant powered by AI. It can write essays, do coding and even structure complex research briefs, all in a matter of seconds.
Launched late November 2022, it now has more than 100 million users according to estimates.
This new tool, developed by US company OpenAI, is causing concern amongst schools and universities, with fears that students will use the program to write their assignments.
ChatGPT is likely to change the way that students are assessed and force us to rethink what it means to be genuinely creative.
ADM+S researcher Dr Aaron Snoswell spoke to Athony Funnell on a recent episode of ABC Radio National Future Tense about ChatGPT.
Dr Snoswell suggests that safeguarding and responses to the technology needs to be wide ranging and needs to include Government bodies, experts in the AI industry, system users as well as media.
“Government bodies have a role to play in terms of coming up with regulations, policies, and best practices,” says Dr Snoswell.
He said that organisations and individual experts in the AI industry are key stakeholders here.
“[They] need to take the ethical dimensions and implications of their work much more seriously than it’s currently done.”
He also says that it’s important that people who are going to interact with the systems should understand how they work.
“Teaching students about how to safely and responsibly use these tools, I think, is a really important thing as well.”
And finally, Dr Snoswell says “news and media organisations need to do their part as well by reporting on this type of technology with a large grain of salt and not catastrophising, or overhyping.”
Listen to the full discussion on ABC Radio National Future Tense Chat GPT – the hype, the limitations and the potential
Broadcast Sunday 26 February 2023, 11:30am