Dr Kobi Leins (GAICD) is an Affiliate member of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society (ADM+S) from Kings College.
Kobi is an Honorary Senior Fellow of King’s College, London; Non-Resident Fellow of the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research; Advisory Board Member of the Carnegie AI and Equality Initiative; Member of Standards Australia as a technical expert on the International Standards Organisation’s work on AI Standards, and co-founder of Responsible Innovation and the Life Sciences with IEEE.
Leins has previously managed programs and teams in administrative law & justice, humanitarian law, human rights law, and disarmament with the UN and the International Committee of the Red Cross and worked in two different University Faculties of Engineering and Computer Science.
Leins is the author of New War Technologies and International Law: The Legal Limits to Weaponising Nanomaterials, Cambridge University Press (2022). Further publications can be found at kobileins.com.