Thesis Title
Hold Me: Creepy-cute hybridity in zoomorphic robot design
Research Description
Megan’s research at ADM+S investigates the impact of social robotics in the health sector, including therapeutic animal robots and telepresence technologies. Her current creative-practice doctoral research focusses on assemblages of animals, humans and technology in the future of robot pets and therapeutic aids, like AIBO and PARO, and the role that cute morphologies play in facilitating and hindering these connections. She is collaborating with ADM+S members on arts-based knowledge translation and creative workshop projects, as well as projects that consider contemporary Japanese culture.
As a cute studies specialist, Megan collaborates on a range of projects that look at the intersections of popular culture, media and creative practice to promote community wellbeing and inclusion. She is interested in the intersections between cute media, care, voice and precarity in contexts such as girls’ activism, neurodivergent sensory seeking, Japanese mascot characters and social simulation games like Animal Crossing.
Prof Deborah Lupton, University of New South Wales
Dr David Eastwood, University of New South Wales