Vaughan O'Connor with artefacts from te More-than-Human mini show
Dr Vaughan Wozniak-O'Connor presenting the More-than-Human mini show at the James Martin Institute for Public Policy Summit.

More-than-Human wellbeing mini show joins policy impact exhibition

Author  Kathy Nickels
Date 9 August 2023

The More-than-Human wellbeing mini show curated by ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society researchers, was recently featured as part of the Policy Impact Exhibition at the James Martin Institute for Public Policy Summit 2023.

The Summit brought together government policymakers, researchers, other experts, and interested members of the public, to discuss, reflect and explore ways to improve outcomes in key policy areas.

As part of the summit, the Policy Impact Exhibition showcased an exclusive insight into how leading public policy institutes design and deliver high-impact projects with far-reaching benefits for people across the country.

Curated by ADM+S Chief Investigator and leader of the Vitalities Lab at UNSW, Prof Deborah Lupton along with ADM+S Researchers from UNSW, Dr Vaughan Wozniak-O’Connor, Dr Ash Watson and Dr Megan Rose, the exhibition uses multimodal arts-based and multisensory methods – both digital and non-digital – to highlight ways of knowing and being within and beyond the world of self-tracking apps, electronic medical records, and smart devices for documenting illnesses and promoting health and wellbeing.

“This Public Policy Summit offered our exhibition team a wonderful opportunity to talk to policymakers, the public and other stakeholders about how we are using public exhibitions as a powerful way of engaging with the community” said Professor Lupton.

The main exhibition is open to the public until Friday 18 August 2023, UNSW Main Library Level 5. Admission is free and open to all ages. Further details, a link to the short film made for the exhibition and downloadable resources are available at the exhibition website: