Responsible health consumer data analysis and ADM
Focus Area: Health
Research Program: Data
Status: Completed
Health care service providers are increasingly seeking to use advanced data analytics and automated decision making to improving services and for predictive insights. By better understanding the everyday experiences of people living with mental ill-health, for example, services can improve the allocation of resources and enhance health outcomes. Accessing health consumer voices and experiences directly through social data sets (such as online health forums) can have an important impact on optimising decision making, but also raises ethical issues and data management and analysis challenges.
Drawing on cutting edge practices in text data mining and NLP analysis, this project develops a model for ethical and responsible mental health consumer data analysis. It operationalises data partnerships with the mental health organisations SANE Australia, Beyond Blue and ReachOut to explore and implement data analysis to improve mental health care, with a focus on community mental health support, and ethical, inclusive and participatory practices. The project builds on and extends work undertaken for the ARC Discovery Project (DP200100419), Optimising the roles of online communities in rural resilience, with a particular focus on data practices, analytics and ADM in digital health care services.

Resilience in Web-Based Mental Health Communities: Building a Resilience Dictionary With Semiautomatic Text Analysis, 2022
McCosker, A., Farmer, J., Kang, Y.B., Kamstra, P.

A Novel Mixed Methods Approach for Integrating Not-for-Profit Service Data via Qualitative Geographic Information System to Explore Authentic Experiences of Ill-Health: A Case Study of Rural Mental Health, 2022
Kamstra, P., Farmer, J. et al.

Moderating mental health: Addressing the human-machine alignment problem through an adaptive logic of care, 2023
McCosker, A., Farmer, J., Kamstra, P.



Beyond Blue


Reach Out