Suvradip Maitra is an Affiliate of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making & Society (ADM+S) from the University of Queensland.
Suvradip is interested in combining legal and ethical theories with social science research methods to understand the impact of algorithmic systems on marginalised populations, particularly CALD populations and First Nations Peoples. He is passionate about centering critical reflexivity in his research informed by his positionality as an Indian born first-generation migrant to Australia. Suvradip is currently a Senior Research Assistant on the ADMS affiliated ‘Trauma-Informed AI’ project at the University of the Queensland. He is also completing a LLM at the University of Melbourne.
Suvradip graduated with First Class Honours from the University of Queensland with a Bachelor of Science/LLB (Hons) majoring in Physics. Since graduating, Suvradip has been involved in various projects researching the impact of technology on society, including at Cambridge University’s Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, Harvard University’s Berkman Klein Centre for Internet and Society, and Global Catastrophic Risk Institute. He has presented his work at conferences including the Many Worlds of AI Conference at the University of Cambridge, and the Sustainable AI Conference at the University of Bonne. His research has been published in the Australian Law Journal and Proceedings of the AI and Ethics Society Conference. He also practices as a commercial lawyer and was a judicial associate to in the Queensland Court of Appeal.