Dr Thao Phan is a Research Fellow at the Monash University node of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making & Society (ADM+S).
Thao Phan is a feminist technoscience researcher who specialises in the study of gender and race in algorithmic culture.
She has researched and published on topics including: the aesthetics of digital voice assistants like Siri, Amazon Echo, and Google Home; ideologies of ‘post-race’ in algorithmic culture; and AI in popular culture.
Her research takes an interdisciplinary and intersectional approach, drawing on theory and methods from feminist science and technology studies, media and cultural studies, queer and gender studies, critical race studies, and critical algorithm studies.
As a Research Fellow at ADM+S, Thao will be working in the institute’s People Program developing creative methods to study the future of automated mobilities.