She’s Not Alone (2022)
6 February 2023

Watch the film
Duration: 0:09:01


Lina voiceover:
It was a Friday night. And I was planning to go out for drinks with some mates. It was that cold, I decided to book a ride. I had no idea the kind of time I’d be in for. What happened was beyond anything I would have imagined.

Since I moved to Melbourne from Geelong, it’s taken me a while to find my feet. My housemates and I enjoyed a few cooking parties that involved too much tequila, but I was itching for a gay club. Now it was time to go back to the real world and find out who I really was. I don’t know why, but I found the queer scene here really kind of intimidating.

I was happy then that I had messaged my sister. It made me feel anxious to step out of my comfort zone. At least this coat was familiar.


Rideshare Driver:
Fitzroy, aye? Cool.

You good for water? Do you want some water or anything? Nah.

I think Fitzroy’s actually just in the other direction.

Rideshare driver::
Ah, so sorry. The maps on the app have been stuffing up today.

All good. Do you have a phone charger?

Rideshare driver:
No. Sorry, love.

Lina voiceover:
Something felt weird. Instead of travelling south to Fitzroy, we were heading further east. I just kept watching the little car on the map move further away from where I needed to go.

I remember my coat felt sweaty, but I didn’t want to take it off. I knew for sure that you don’t take the highway to get to Fitzroy. Something was definitely wrong.

Can you please take me to Fitzroy.

Rideshare driver:
Sure, yeah, whatever you want. How about I cancel the trip. Alright, that way you don’t get charged.

No, it’s fine.

Lina voiceover:
I was starting to panic.

Please let me out.

Rideshare driver:
Hey, stop worrying so much. Everything’s fine. We’re almost there.

Lina voiceover:
Thinking back now, there was so many things wrong with what happened. That driver could have gone on to the next person and done it again. That stupid help button didn’t even work. I felt so trapped, and didn’t know what to do.

Yeah, I don’t know really, this week has just been really hard.

Lina’s sister on phone:
Oh, Lina I’m sorry.

I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that someone could be so twisted. I can’t focus on my uni work. Whenever I try to study I just think about what happened.

Lina’s sister on phone:
There sure are some sickos out there. I’ve been reading a few stories online. I saw this site the other day where you can share your story and stay anonymous. It won’t catch him but you could write it all down.

Yeah, that sounds really good actually. It’s been really weird, like I told my housemates and everything and they were really nice about it, but I just kind of feel like no one really understands.

Lina’s sister on phone:
I’ll send you a link through right now. But hey, I love you, ok? I’m so glad that you’re safe, and I’m so grateful that someone pulled over to help you. I miss you so much. I just wanted to call and tell you that.

Miss you too.

Lina voiceover:
It feels so good to know that I’m not alone, and to know that our stories can help stop these things in the future. And hey, it seems like someone is listening and maybe one day we won’t have to put up with creeps like that.