Left to Right: Alice Cartmill, Eleanor Angus, William Smyth and Rehan Dutta.
Left to Right: Alice Cartmill, Eleanor Angus, William Smyth and Rehan Dutta.

Young ICT Explorers competition finalists hosted at ADM+S

Author Kathy Nickels
Date 12 December 2022

East Brisbane State School students have been awarded second place in the National Young ICT Explorers (YICTE) competition 2022.

Leading up to the finals, more than 700 students submitted projects from across Australia to the competition. 

On 10 December, the ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society at QUT hosted the East Brisbane State School Grade 6 students to pitch their project idea at the YICTE virtual finalist event. 

In their project “Runway Racket” the students used an Arduino (a single board microprocessor) with a custom microphone to measure environmental noise in conjunction with the Plane Finder website to identify planes associated with the noise. The monitors were placed in several homes along a flightpath over East Brisbane. 

Mairi McGregor, YICTE 2022 judge, praised the team for their creativity in defining the problem, and accuracy in capturing and measuring data as well as presenting the data. She said that the data and presentation was at a level that could be taken to authorities and companies but also had the potential, with expansion, for commercialisation.

The team included Eleanor Angus, Alice Cartmill, Rehan Dutta, and William Smyth.

Eleanor Angus said that it was fun to work as a team on the project.

“I really liked the community involvement. There were a number of locals and Facebook groups excited by our project” said Eleanor.

The team recently spoke to Rebecca Levingston on ABC Mornings.

Rehan Dutta told Rebecca “We [chose] this [project] because plane noise really is a big disruption in a lot of areas around Brisbane especially places under the flight path”

Now in its 13th year, the Young ICT Explorers (YICTE) is a non-profit competition supported by CSIRO Digital Careers, The Smith Family, Kinetic IT and School Bytes.  The annual competition encourages primary and high school students from years three to 12 to use their imagination and passion to create an invention that could change the world using the power of technology.

Congratulations to the Runway Racket team: Eleanor Angus, Alice Cartmill, Rehan Dutta, and William Smyth. 

You can listen to Rebecca Livingston on ABC mornings talk to the team from 1:48.

This story was updated 30/01/2023