ADM+S publications named in APO’s 2024 Top Ten

Author Kathy Nickels
Date 23 December 2024

ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society (ADM+S) publications have been named in the APO’s Top Content for 2024.

The Analysis and Policy Observatory (APO) is an open access platform that makes public policy research and resources accessible and useable for evidence-informed decision-making. Each year, the APO names the top ten most visited and viewed resources across 15 broad subject areas for the period December 2023 to November 2024.

This year publications from the ADM+S Centre have been named in the APO’s Top Ten across five subject areas including Communications, Education, Government, Science and Technology. 

In 2024, the ADM+S Centre has contributed 30 publications to the Automated Decision-Making and Society collection on the APO.

The Analysis & Policy Observatory (APO) is one of Australia’s leading open access research repositories. The ADM+S shares APO’s goal of supporting evidence-based policy and public debate on the critical challenges facing Australia, and we’re delighted to be working with APO to make ADM+S research more findable, more useable, and more accessible.

Publications named in APO’s Top Ten 2024

AI and automated decision-making in news and media
Dang Nguyen, James Meese, Jean Burgess, Julian Thomas

A little book of creative methods for social inquiry and research communication
Deborah Lupton

Automated decision-making in New South Wales: mapping and analysis of the use of ADM systems by State and Local governments
Kimberlee Weatherall, Paul Henman, Jose-Miguel Bello y Villarino, Rita Matulionyte, Lyndal Sleep, Melanie Trezise

Generative AI technologies applied to ecosystems and the environment: a scoping review
Ella Butler, Deborah Lupton

GenAI Concepts
Fan Yang, Jake Goldenfein, Kathy Nickels

Building a trauma-informed algorithmic assessment toolkit
Suvradip Maitra, Lyndal Sleep, Suzanna Fay, Paul Henman

United against algorithms: a primer on disability-led struggles against algorithmic injustice
Georgia van Toorn

Safe and responsible AI in Australia: proposals paper for introducing mandatory guardrails for AI in high-risk settings
Kimberlee Weatherall, Henry Fraser, Aaron Snoswell