ADM+S Research Fellow secures one of three 2024 ACCAN grants
Author Natalie Campbell
Date 14 August 2024
Congratulations to ADM+S Research Fellow Dr Kieran Hegarty, co-investigator on the recently announced ACCAN-funded project, Social infrastructure for digital skills development.
Dr Hegarty’s project is one of only three successful grants, out of 69 applications in the 2024 funding round, and will be led by Dr Ellen van Holstein from RMIT University. Dr Nicky Dulfer from University Melbourne is also a Co-Investigator.
Social infrastructure for digital skills development progresses research funded by ACCAN in the 2021, which analysed digital inequalities amongst public housing residents.
The 2021 research revealed the pivotal role neighbourhood centres play in digital skill acquisition and troubleshooting for people who face barriers to being digitally included.
Social infrastructure for digital skills development will develop insights into best practices for training, identify barriers to digital inclusion, and develop strategies to overcome to these barriers.
In a 11 July media release, ACCAN CEO Carol Bennet said, “Grants projects inform ACCAN’s work and contribute to the broader evidence base for consumers, regulators and service providers in the telecommunications market.
“This year’s grantees will make a real difference to the experience of Australian consumers, and we look forward to working with the successful applicants as they undertake these exciting projects,” Ms Bennett concluded.
The research team is partnering with Neighbourhood Houses Victoria, Farnham Street Neighbourhood Learning Centre, and Carlton Neighbourhood Learning Centre to understand the role played by neighbourhood houses in supporting digital inclusion.
Dr Hegarty explains, “Along with public libraries, neighbourhood houses form part of the social infrastructure needed for connected communities, and play a key role in supporting an inclusive digital society.
“These organisations provide internet access and digital skill development for those at risk of being digitally excluded, including public housing residents and low-income households.”
The project will commence in 2025 and will culminate with the delivery of a digital pedagogies workshop to neighbourhood centre staff to communicate insights from the project to help strengthen the crucial role they play in supporting digital inclusion in their communities.
The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) is Australian’s peak communications consumer advocacy group, working towards achieving trusted, inclusive and accessible communications services.
The ACCAN Independent Grants program funds projects to enable research on telecommunications issues, represent telecommunications consumers, or create educational tools which empower consumers to understand telecommunications products and services and make decisions in their own interests.