Dr Nina Li is an Affiliate of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making & Society (ADM+S) from Monash University.

Nina is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Media, Film and Journalism at Monash. Her research concerns media, technology, and governance through a critical examination of various sectors, including popular media, digital platforms, and emerging technologies.

She employs a diverse range of research methods, including in-depth interviews, historical and archival research, ethnographic participant observation, and discourse analysis.

She is the author of Zoning China: Online Video, Popular Culture, and the State (MIT Press, 2019), which examines China’s dual regulatory approach to media governance.

Her other work has appeared in journals such as New Media & Society, Media, Culture & Society, Information, Communication & Society.

Her work is supported by the Australian Research Council. She currently serves as the Chair of the Division of Communication Law and Policy in the International Communication Association.