9:15 am
Event Registration
Participants and team mentors arrive at venue
9:30 am
Intro to Hackathon and challenge
Mark Andrejevic
9:50 am
Team Introductions
Teams disperse to various work spaces in The Studio at Melbourne Connect (in-person) and break-out room (online team)
- Team member introductions
- Teams work on identifying a project
10:30 am
Morning Tea
Eat as you go
- Teams aim to settle on a project and plan of action
- Begin work on identified project
12:30 pm
Delivered to the Studio at Melbourne Connect
1:45 pm
Recommence Teamwork
- Continue working on project
- Roving mentors drop-ins
3:00 pm
Afternoon Tea
Eat as you go
- Continue working on project
- Roving mentors drop-ins
4:00 pm
Wrap Up
- Conclude project work for the day
- Talk about the next day’s schedule
4:30 pm
End of Day 1
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