ADM+S members secure funding in 2025 ARC Discovery Project round
Author ADM+S Centre
Date 26 November 2024
The Australian Research Council (ARC) today announced more than $342 million in funding for 536 new projects under the 2025 ARC Discovery Projects scheme.
The ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society (ADM+S) is proud to announce that twelve of the funded projects include contributions from its members, showcasing the Centre’s commitment to advancing impactful, multidisciplinary research.
ARC Acting Chief Executive Officer, Dr Richard Johnson, said the ARC Discovery Projects scheme supports excellent basic and applied research to expand Australia’s knowledge base and research capability.
“Discovery grants support individual researchers and research teams in research projects that provide economic, commercial, environmental, social and/or cultural benefits to the Australian community,” Dr Johnson said.
The twelve projects involving ADM+S members reflect research excellence across diverse fields, including AI ethics, digital citizenship, sustainable energy, healthcare transparency, and diversity studies.
Projects involving ADM+S members include the following (ADM+S researchers in bold):
A new “Treating Customers Fairly” law for Australia’s financial industry
Assoc Prof Andrew Schmulow; Ms Nicola Howell; ProfJeannie Paterson; ProfElise Bant; Prof Therese Wilson; Prof Jason Harris
Disability and Digital Citizenship
Prof Gerard Goggin; Prof Kathleen Ellis; Prof Jennifer Smith-Merry; Prof Simon Darcy; Prof Paul Harpur; Prof Bree Hadley; ProfMichael Kent; Associate Prof Dinesh Wadiwel; Dr Natasha Layton; Assoc Prof Mary-Ann O’Donovan; Prof Scott Avery; Professor Karen Soldatic; Prof Lorenzo Dalvit; Dr Kuansong Victor Zhuang; Assoc Prof Meryl Alper
Embedding Net Zero Carbon Emissions in Northern Australia
Assoc Prof Timothy Neale; Dr Kari Dahlgren; Prof Matthew Kearnes; Prof Teresa Lea; Dr Christopher Mayes; Assoc Prof Gisa Weszkalnys
Generative AI and Creative Industries: Ethical, Legal and Work Implications
ProfPaul Formosa; Assoc Prof Rita Matulionyte; Assoc ProfSarah Bankins; Dr Raphaël Millière; Prof Dr Alain Strowel
Generative AI and the future of academic writing and publishing
Assoc ProfMichelle Riedlinger; Prof Peta Mitchell; Dr Jake Goldenfein; Prof Jean Burgess; Dr Aaron Snoswell
‘No’ to Black Box: Towards Transparent and Safe AI in Healthcare
Assoc Prof Rita Matulionyte; Prof Farah Magrabi; Prof Amin Beheshti; Prof Jyh-An Lee; Dr Daria Kim
Proactive harm prevention for virtual and augmented reality technologies
Dr Joanne Gray; Assoc Prof Marcus Carter; Dr Ben Egliston
Public Understandings of Immunity Systems and Human-Microbial Relations
Prof Deborah Lupton; Assoc Prof Mark Davis; Dr Kerryn Drysdale
The Australian experience of automated advertising on digital platforms
Assoc Prof Nicholas Carah; Dr Thao Phan; Prof Mark Andrejevic; Dr Scott Wark
Transborder Electricity Infrastructures and Geopolitics
Prof Brett Neilson; Prof Ned Rossiter; Prof Teresa Lea; ProfAnna Cristina Pertierra; Dr Sean Dockray; Prof Jack Qiu; Prof Tetz Hakoda; Dr Myung Ho Hyun; ProfSandro Mezzadra; Prof Manuela Bojadzijev
Understanding Children’s Mobile Gamble-Play Cultures: Gateways to Gambling
Dr Jessica Balanzategui; Dr César Albarrán Torres; Prof Ingrid Richardson; Assoc Prof Jordy Kaufman
What does ‘doing diversity’ do, and how can it be done differently?
Prof Bronwyn Carlson; Assoc Prof Debbie Bargallie; Assoc Prof David Nolan; Dr Archie Thomas
For a full list of funded Discovery Projects for 2025, including a snapshot of funding by state and territory, please view the Grant Announcement Kit.
For more information on the Discovery Projects scheme, please visit the ARC website.